Buildazon is a company which organises the fabrication and delivery of structural steel and precast concrete. All orders are received via the Internet “online”. The Buildazon team consists of Draftsman and Civil/Structural Engineers with estimating, construction and logistics experience in Indonesia and Australia. Buildazon is an Australian company registered with the Australian Government, (ASIC – Australian Securities and Investments Commission). Buildazon performs all its business activities to conform with Australian Law.
We enjoy repeat business and keeping our customers satisfied. Our goal is to speedily manufacture and deliver to construction sites structural steel and precast concrete whilst providing value for money. Australian construction standards are adhered to during the fabrication of structural products. QA and pre-pour inspections can be documented using photographs/reports. Depending on your project’s QA requirements, factory site visits can be arranged.
We engage fabricators who specialise in your particular structural product, and take into account their fabrication time, workmanship and logistic factors. To reduce delivery costs, we aim to engage a fabricator who’s factory location is relatively close to the customer’s required delivery address. We have working relationships with various fabricators throughout Australia and Indonesia.
Standard industry contract conditions apply, however, specific contracts can be arranged depending on project requirements.
A part payment is usually made prior to fabrication. Full payment is made upon delivery of your structural products. Payments can be made using Internet banking or Paypal.
Depending on size, weight, transport restrictions, and your location, we will notify you on the method of delivery. Small quantities of steel or bolts and nuts are usually delivered using car/truck courier or air freight.
In the case of any missing product or damage, you are required to make a claim. A claim form is to be lodged to us showing delivery dockets, proof of damage, photographs etc. We will then process the claim.
Generally, all QA inspections are performed in-house, however, you can conduct inspection site visits or have a third party inspector appointed. All QA inspections are to be arranged with our civil engineer.
All precast concrete will have pre-pour inspection certificates and concrete cylinder test results.
Grades of steel are used as per your project requirements. Australian projects must conform to the Australian Standards. For 8.8 bolts ordered for Indonesia, a sample from the batch can be tensile tested by independent laboratory and a certificate provided.
All QA and test certificates can be provided depending on your specific project requirements.